Hope everyone had a very nice Christmas. My family had a very nice get together and celebrated the real meaning of Christmas.
I have been on vacation for a couple of weeks and have started my own website. It will be a slow and continual process and I will add to it gradually, but I hope you will visit when you get a chance. I have also started a blog on the website.
Happy New Year to everyone!
Oh yes - my website is http://www.debreardonsart.com/
My rug hooking experience, my past art works, and future creativities I try. Also, my daughter Renee's latch hooking.
Weather Widget
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
ReardonsArt.com - new website
We have accomplished a lot in the past week or so. We now have a permanent website and will be updating photos etc. weekly at least. I hope everyone will help us get the word out and share the weblink with their friends. Just type in "reardonsart.com" and you can see it. This site is just for Don's work, mine may come later when I have more time to actually create the art. Would enjoy comments and opinions on the website under the page "contact Don" if you would like. /deb
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Watercolor and pastel art

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
November 24, 2010:
I hope everyone has a very thankful Thanksgiving, lots of good memories, good food and family and friends. I've been busy with my rugs as well as other art lately and haven't taken time to be on the computer very often, but still check in and read blogs. Be safe. /deb
I hope everyone has a very thankful Thanksgiving, lots of good memories, good food and family and friends. I've been busy with my rugs as well as other art lately and haven't taken time to be on the computer very often, but still check in and read blogs. Be safe. /deb
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Good ending week
Sunday, October 31, 2010:
Wow what a week of ups and downs, mainly for my oldest daughter, but that of course affects me as well. To shorten the story, all ended really well. Things worked out very well for all the circumstances that were changing and hanging in air. A huge relief and a good feeling.
Renee' and I spent Saturday at my youngest daughter's house. I helped her with more of her biology studies, we had pizza, sat by the fire outside a while. Great time. I enjoy helping her study because I missed out on a lot of that opportunity when she was young. After leaving her house, we went to my mom's. She had cooked turnip greens, pork chops and cornbread, yummy!
Today, I have mostly rested. I joined my son and his family and watched them carve two pumpkins (mom and dad, Jill and William are too young). They were surprised to learn that I have never carved a pumpkin. It was nice watching their family together, sitting on a halloween blanket (tablecloth) and join together in the fun. Also, I did work on my wool abstract rug off and on all day, being very gentle with my hurt finger.
Earlier tonight, Sadie and Sunshine started barking ferociously because someone knocked on the door. I cracked open the door and saw two little kids and I told them I don't have any candy. I had actually forgot it was halloween. Sorry if I gave them a horrible holiday and I hope when I go outside in the morning they did not trick me somehow.
It's time to get ready for my work week.
Until next time/Deb
Wow what a week of ups and downs, mainly for my oldest daughter, but that of course affects me as well. To shorten the story, all ended really well. Things worked out very well for all the circumstances that were changing and hanging in air. A huge relief and a good feeling.
Renee' and I spent Saturday at my youngest daughter's house. I helped her with more of her biology studies, we had pizza, sat by the fire outside a while. Great time. I enjoy helping her study because I missed out on a lot of that opportunity when she was young. After leaving her house, we went to my mom's. She had cooked turnip greens, pork chops and cornbread, yummy!
Today, I have mostly rested. I joined my son and his family and watched them carve two pumpkins (mom and dad, Jill and William are too young). They were surprised to learn that I have never carved a pumpkin. It was nice watching their family together, sitting on a halloween blanket (tablecloth) and join together in the fun. Also, I did work on my wool abstract rug off and on all day, being very gentle with my hurt finger.
Earlier tonight, Sadie and Sunshine started barking ferociously because someone knocked on the door. I cracked open the door and saw two little kids and I told them I don't have any candy. I had actually forgot it was halloween. Sorry if I gave them a horrible holiday and I hope when I go outside in the morning they did not trick me somehow.
It's time to get ready for my work week.
Until next time/Deb
Friday, October 29, 2010
Update and trigger finger
Friday, October 28, 2010:
Another two weeks has passed since I've written. One of these days I'm going to quit saying "I can't believe how time flies". But it sure seems to. So thought I would write a little update.
On Sunday, 10-17, I used my webcam and talked with my son and his wife in Hawaii. Also, I tried reading a story to my two youngest grandchildren. Jill will be two in November and William was born this past April. They don't quite understand about webcams and, for that matter, neither do I. I figured out how to put the webcam on my blouse and hold the book in front of me (and cam) and it works better that way.
On Monday, 10-18, I was off work. My dad (who will be 83 in November) came over and we worked in my yard. I have lived in my house about 15 years and used to keep up with raking the pine straw and trimming the bushes just about every weekend. For the past couple of years I have not kept up with all the yard work - trying to obtain the "natural" look - and it worked. But, I was beginning to feel like the growth of the trees/bushes and everything was taking over. Dad and I got a whole lot done and were both exhausted.
The rest of the week, I worked and rested. On Friday, 10-22, I drove about 10 miles to a place that sells firewood and they filled up the backseat of my Toyota Matrix (car) with $20 worth of wood. I unloaded it when I got home.
On Saturday, I built a fire. That evening my daughter Sharon and Jason (10 years old) came over. I was very glad to see Jason since he doesn't come over too often. He was a huge help with the fire by breaking lots of the dead twigs that had been gathered from doing the yard work and he kept the fire going. I grilled some hamburgers on the grill for our supper. His sister, Jessica (13 years old) called and wanted to come over, so Sharon went back home to get her. While they were gone, Jason and I used my pocketknives to whittle four sticks to use for roasting marshmallows. It's been a very long time since I had roasted marshmallows. Sharon brought graham crackers with chocolate bars to make Smores. In a while, Donnie, Jason's dad came to pick him up because he was going to have a sleep over with a friend. Renee' popped up popcorn (that is a Saturday night tradition for her) and she sat with us by the fire a little while and we all had some popcorn and listened to some of the music Jessica had on her ipod or phone or whatever the newest gadget is these days. Since Sharon is studying to be a medical assistant, she read some of her biology lessons. It was nice memory and I do have pictures to upload. Sometimes my USB connection doesn't work, but I will add the pictures later.
On Sunday, I built a nice fire in my new fire pit and worked on my book most of the morning. My oldest daughter, Marilyn and her boyfriend, Seth, surprised me with a pickup truck half full of firewood. They wanted to rake some of the pine straw in the front yard, so I helped. I accidentally disturbed a yellow-jacket nest in the ground and (thankfully only one) a bee stung me under my right eye. Oh what pain!!! It didn't swell too badly but I sure felt bad. I didn't get to webcam with my son and his family because of all this. So I went to bed early that night.
About the trigger finger - no I haven't shot a gun - but, I guess from cutting the bushes, pulling vines, picking up wood, etc. for the past few days my right middle finger has had the beginning signs of a trigger finger. It is an involuntary curling in of the finger, has to do with the tendons etc. This can worsen to where your finger would stay in a closed position, and become disabling - which I definitely cannot let happen because I type for a living, I play piano and guitar AND I like to hook rugs. So for a couple of weeks I'm going to rest my hand as much as possible so that it will heal.
So, until next time. /deb
Another two weeks has passed since I've written. One of these days I'm going to quit saying "I can't believe how time flies". But it sure seems to. So thought I would write a little update.
On Sunday, 10-17, I used my webcam and talked with my son and his wife in Hawaii. Also, I tried reading a story to my two youngest grandchildren. Jill will be two in November and William was born this past April. They don't quite understand about webcams and, for that matter, neither do I. I figured out how to put the webcam on my blouse and hold the book in front of me (and cam) and it works better that way.
On Monday, 10-18, I was off work. My dad (who will be 83 in November) came over and we worked in my yard. I have lived in my house about 15 years and used to keep up with raking the pine straw and trimming the bushes just about every weekend. For the past couple of years I have not kept up with all the yard work - trying to obtain the "natural" look - and it worked. But, I was beginning to feel like the growth of the trees/bushes and everything was taking over. Dad and I got a whole lot done and were both exhausted.
The rest of the week, I worked and rested. On Friday, 10-22, I drove about 10 miles to a place that sells firewood and they filled up the backseat of my Toyota Matrix (car) with $20 worth of wood. I unloaded it when I got home.
On Saturday, I built a fire. That evening my daughter Sharon and Jason (10 years old) came over. I was very glad to see Jason since he doesn't come over too often. He was a huge help with the fire by breaking lots of the dead twigs that had been gathered from doing the yard work and he kept the fire going. I grilled some hamburgers on the grill for our supper. His sister, Jessica (13 years old) called and wanted to come over, so Sharon went back home to get her. While they were gone, Jason and I used my pocketknives to whittle four sticks to use for roasting marshmallows. It's been a very long time since I had roasted marshmallows. Sharon brought graham crackers with chocolate bars to make Smores. In a while, Donnie, Jason's dad came to pick him up because he was going to have a sleep over with a friend. Renee' popped up popcorn (that is a Saturday night tradition for her) and she sat with us by the fire a little while and we all had some popcorn and listened to some of the music Jessica had on her ipod or phone or whatever the newest gadget is these days. Since Sharon is studying to be a medical assistant, she read some of her biology lessons. It was nice memory and I do have pictures to upload. Sometimes my USB connection doesn't work, but I will add the pictures later.
On Sunday, I built a nice fire in my new fire pit and worked on my book most of the morning. My oldest daughter, Marilyn and her boyfriend, Seth, surprised me with a pickup truck half full of firewood. They wanted to rake some of the pine straw in the front yard, so I helped. I accidentally disturbed a yellow-jacket nest in the ground and (thankfully only one) a bee stung me under my right eye. Oh what pain!!! It didn't swell too badly but I sure felt bad. I didn't get to webcam with my son and his family because of all this. So I went to bed early that night.
About the trigger finger - no I haven't shot a gun - but, I guess from cutting the bushes, pulling vines, picking up wood, etc. for the past few days my right middle finger has had the beginning signs of a trigger finger. It is an involuntary curling in of the finger, has to do with the tendons etc. This can worsen to where your finger would stay in a closed position, and become disabling - which I definitely cannot let happen because I type for a living, I play piano and guitar AND I like to hook rugs. So for a couple of weeks I'm going to rest my hand as much as possible so that it will heal.
So, until next time. /deb
Saturday, October 16, 2010
The fire pit and more
Saturday, October 16, 2010:
It's been a while since I have posted. Let me see, where to start?
I bought the fabric to match the pillow/bedspread of my brother's, but haven't decided exactly what I want to design yet. For now I've been working on my wool hooking. It is so tedious, it took a while to get back into the rhythm after doing the locker hooking.
I have also made pretty good progress on my book. I have written two scenes and also done some editing. This is the second third of the book and I should be through the final "draft" pretty soon. Then I will start on the last third. I believe I might just get it finished and that will be super great.
At work things are going better than usual. I worked pretty hard reorganizing my office and the medical record room to make space for the new, much needed, cabinets they are buying. I am going to be off work Monday and Tuesday, but I think it will be nice to go back to my "new" office with my new clothes.
I tried to rent the cabins at our campsite but they are already reserved. My daughter had the idea of trying it in a tent but I'm afraid that wouldn't work too well with Renee'. But, I thought that we could put up the tent in my backyard which is pretty private and at the same time we would have all the luxuries of the house. Sharon said but we wouldn't be able to have a fire at night. So, today after I bought my clothes, I went to Lowe's and bought a "city" fire pit - I really like the one I got. I went by my parents' house and they have a fire pit type stove in their yard and dad has quite a lot of wood, so he gave me a few pieces to start with. Also, my yard is full of twigs and branches etc. When I got home, I put the fire pit together with Renee's help. I set it up on my patio. I hosed down the surrounding area just to be safe (silly me - almost hosed down my wood!). Renee' didn't want to come out because it was too cold she said. Since it's Saturday night, she did make popcorn, so I sat outside about 3 hours, had coffee, popcorn, and played my guitar a little bit.
What a great week I've had. Until next time/Deb
PS: As I read back through this post, I realized that maybe I SHOULD post more often. I had more to say than I knew!
It's been a while since I have posted. Let me see, where to start?
After our trip to Millers Creek : The following Tuesday, Renee' decided that she liked this "away from home" lifestyle, I guess; so, she went to my parents for what I assumed would be one day, then one night, then two nights. I was totally lost without her! She didn't want to come home until the following Monday at noon. I tried to "enjoy" myself - you know, do things I can't normally do. I went to hear a bluegrass band at a place called Floppys about 30 miles from her. My daughter works there. It was good to do that for a change. On Saturday I went shopping (more below) and then went to a pig pick'in at Floppy's and had a really good time. They had three bands, bluegrass, country and blues. Country was my favorite. I stayed out too late for a senior citizen but I enjoyed myself. On Sunday I decided that Renee' had to come home - for my sake and sanity! I told her that she can never leave me for that long again, maybe one night, but no longer. She resumed her routine as always and life was back to normal.
On Saturday before the pig pick'in, I went shopping for some new clothes to wear to work. I also found a pair of overalls - sooo comfy- and a pair of nice western style boots. I was just in the mood, you might say. At Sears they gave me a $30 gift certificate and it had to be used by the 19th. What did I do? I went back to store to spend my gift certificate today and finished out a nice wardrobe for the winter. As I was checking out, they announced over the speakers that were having a give away - well we all know what that means - They'll give you this IF you buy that. Sure enough - that is correct. The girl demonstrated the 'miracle cloth' after she gave us 3 small swatches of it, and after we saw how miraculous it worked, she showed us the miracle mop and IF we buy one package of the miracle cloth (two pieces about 36" square for $22), she would give us another pack free AND throw in the miracle mop. I now have a nice wardrobe and can mop the floor.
On Saturday before the pig pick'in, I went shopping for some new clothes to wear to work. I also found a pair of overalls - sooo comfy- and a pair of nice western style boots. I was just in the mood, you might say. At Sears they gave me a $30 gift certificate and it had to be used by the 19th. What did I do? I went back to store to spend my gift certificate today and finished out a nice wardrobe for the winter. As I was checking out, they announced over the speakers that were having a give away - well we all know what that means - They'll give you this IF you buy that. Sure enough - that is correct. The girl demonstrated the 'miracle cloth' after she gave us 3 small swatches of it, and after we saw how miraculous it worked, she showed us the miracle mop and IF we buy one package of the miracle cloth (two pieces about 36" square for $22), she would give us another pack free AND throw in the miracle mop. I now have a nice wardrobe and can mop the floor.
I had bought a new web cam a week or so ago because my two youngest grandchildren live in Hawaii (my son and his wife). I had previously been able to see them on their web cam, but I wanted the kids to be able to know who Lala-Nana is. Also, I thought it would be a neat idea to read them a story, or do a little puppet show. So, last Sunday afternoon, we gave it a try. First of all I need to practice holding things in front of the web cam - it's backwards. Also it's difficult to read a book from that angle. But it was fun to try it. Tomorrow we are going to talk again, and this time I have figured out how to read a book to them and at the same time let them see the book. I put the web cam on the collar area of my shirt - that way it is looking at the book so they can see too, and Nana can actually read it! So we'll see how that works out.
These past two weeks I finished my 4th locker hook rug, the plum/purple and green one that I was going to use for my bathroom. Well, my bathroom is more lavender and olive, so I didn't like it for the bathroom, so I put it in front of my chest of drawers. Pretty soon I will have a totally carpeted house with locker rugs! I bought the fabric to match the pillow/bedspread of my brother's, but haven't decided exactly what I want to design yet. For now I've been working on my wool hooking. It is so tedious, it took a while to get back into the rhythm after doing the locker hooking.
I have also made pretty good progress on my book. I have written two scenes and also done some editing. This is the second third of the book and I should be through the final "draft" pretty soon. Then I will start on the last third. I believe I might just get it finished and that will be super great.
At work things are going better than usual. I worked pretty hard reorganizing my office and the medical record room to make space for the new, much needed, cabinets they are buying. I am going to be off work Monday and Tuesday, but I think it will be nice to go back to my "new" office with my new clothes.
I tried to rent the cabins at our campsite but they are already reserved. My daughter had the idea of trying it in a tent but I'm afraid that wouldn't work too well with Renee'. But, I thought that we could put up the tent in my backyard which is pretty private and at the same time we would have all the luxuries of the house. Sharon said but we wouldn't be able to have a fire at night. So, today after I bought my clothes, I went to Lowe's and bought a "city" fire pit - I really like the one I got. I went by my parents' house and they have a fire pit type stove in their yard and dad has quite a lot of wood, so he gave me a few pieces to start with. Also, my yard is full of twigs and branches etc. When I got home, I put the fire pit together with Renee's help. I set it up on my patio. I hosed down the surrounding area just to be safe (silly me - almost hosed down my wood!). Renee' didn't want to come out because it was too cold she said. Since it's Saturday night, she did make popcorn, so I sat outside about 3 hours, had coffee, popcorn, and played my guitar a little bit.
4th LH Rug - purple/green |
PS: As I read back through this post, I realized that maybe I SHOULD post more often. I had more to say than I knew!
Abstract wool rug in progress |
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Trip to Millers Creek
Saturday, October 2, 2010:
When I got home from work on Friday, I did not want to stay inside any longer. The weather was so beautiful. I just wanted to drive somewhere. Renee' had even called me at work that day and asked if we could take a trip. I imagine she gets tired of staying inside too. So I decided, why not, we will just do it. I had been talking about going to a place in the western part of the state called, Millers Creek. It is where one of the characters in my book is going to live so I needed to see the place so I could describe it more accurately. So made sure the dogs' food and water bowls were full, packed a change of clothes, etc. Renee' had her many bags packed. I started to tell her that she didn't need all the things she was carrying but thought if that is what she likes to do, no problem. By 5:30 we were backing out of the driveway. I went by the bank to get a little cash and we hit the road.
We got to Yadkinville around 7:00 and needed to use the little girl's room, and we were getting hungry. The first place I found when we pulled off the main highway 421, was a KFC. We decided to eat there, but instead of staying overnight in that town, we drove another 30 minutes to Wilkesboro. When we turned onto Hwy 16 N, there was a Holiday Inn Express on the right and I pulled in. I was told there was no vacancy. Oh NO, I thought - why hadn't I thought about that - I mean, the whole world doesn't operate on my whims! The lady said there was a car race this weekend as well as the famous Apple Festival. I informed her that we were going to Millers Creek (she said that is where she lived - I thought, are you the lady in my book - I'm losing it, right?). Anyway, she told us about the Addison Inn just down the road. That is where we stayed. The desk clerk was so nice and friendly. She gave me a 10% discount - do we look needy?, I wondered. Room 306, we were in it by 9:00.
I know I've written about how wonderful my camping trips are, but I have to say that a little of the luxurious life ain't bad at all. To understand one part of my enjoyment, I have to tell you that almost two years ago, I decided not to smoke in my house, so I go out to the deck, sun, rain, dark, hot, cold - that's the promise I made to myself. Now the laws have been passed that you can't smoke anywhere, no restaurants, no public place whatsoever. So, when she asked me if I wanted a smoking room, I said yes. One bed or two? I asked what's the difference in the price - there was none, I said two would be good.
Okay now - what made it so luxurious for me? There was a coffee pot in the room. I filled the tub with hot water and plenty of bubbles, fixed me a cup of coffee, got my ashtray and cigarettes and I was Queen for a night! Renee' also soaked after I finished, then she started watching her DVD. (You see, I don't want to pay such a high water bill and when you fill up a bathtub, the bill goes up - but, on second thought, $80 for a hotel - how many bathtubs soakings could I enjoy!)
I stayed up until a little past midnight working on the book I'm writing. Got a good night's sleep and awoke around 6:00, made another cup of coffee and woke up Renee'. We traveled the rest of the day, just meandering a little while northward, then east, etc,
Less than 24 hours later, we were back home, I had driven nearly 400 miles. We had a great time. Now we are glad to be back home. Here are a few pictures I managed to take along the way.
Hope you have enjoyed our little trip. /Deb
When I got home from work on Friday, I did not want to stay inside any longer. The weather was so beautiful. I just wanted to drive somewhere. Renee' had even called me at work that day and asked if we could take a trip. I imagine she gets tired of staying inside too. So I decided, why not, we will just do it. I had been talking about going to a place in the western part of the state called, Millers Creek. It is where one of the characters in my book is going to live so I needed to see the place so I could describe it more accurately. So made sure the dogs' food and water bowls were full, packed a change of clothes, etc. Renee' had her many bags packed. I started to tell her that she didn't need all the things she was carrying but thought if that is what she likes to do, no problem. By 5:30 we were backing out of the driveway. I went by the bank to get a little cash and we hit the road.
We got to Yadkinville around 7:00 and needed to use the little girl's room, and we were getting hungry. The first place I found when we pulled off the main highway 421, was a KFC. We decided to eat there, but instead of staying overnight in that town, we drove another 30 minutes to Wilkesboro. When we turned onto Hwy 16 N, there was a Holiday Inn Express on the right and I pulled in. I was told there was no vacancy. Oh NO, I thought - why hadn't I thought about that - I mean, the whole world doesn't operate on my whims! The lady said there was a car race this weekend as well as the famous Apple Festival. I informed her that we were going to Millers Creek (she said that is where she lived - I thought, are you the lady in my book - I'm losing it, right?). Anyway, she told us about the Addison Inn just down the road. That is where we stayed. The desk clerk was so nice and friendly. She gave me a 10% discount - do we look needy?, I wondered. Room 306, we were in it by 9:00.
I know I've written about how wonderful my camping trips are, but I have to say that a little of the luxurious life ain't bad at all. To understand one part of my enjoyment, I have to tell you that almost two years ago, I decided not to smoke in my house, so I go out to the deck, sun, rain, dark, hot, cold - that's the promise I made to myself. Now the laws have been passed that you can't smoke anywhere, no restaurants, no public place whatsoever. So, when she asked me if I wanted a smoking room, I said yes. One bed or two? I asked what's the difference in the price - there was none, I said two would be good.
Okay now - what made it so luxurious for me? There was a coffee pot in the room. I filled the tub with hot water and plenty of bubbles, fixed me a cup of coffee, got my ashtray and cigarettes and I was Queen for a night! Renee' also soaked after I finished, then she started watching her DVD. (You see, I don't want to pay such a high water bill and when you fill up a bathtub, the bill goes up - but, on second thought, $80 for a hotel - how many bathtubs soakings could I enjoy!)
I stayed up until a little past midnight working on the book I'm writing. Got a good night's sleep and awoke around 6:00, made another cup of coffee and woke up Renee'. We traveled the rest of the day, just meandering a little while northward, then east, etc,
Less than 24 hours later, we were back home, I had driven nearly 400 miles. We had a great time. Now we are glad to be back home. Here are a few pictures I managed to take along the way.
You can't read this, but the sign says "Millers Creek" |
A view along the way, not too far from the Blue Ridge Parkway |
View of power lines going up the side of a mountain |
Mountains in the distance |
Bench outside the store. Not a fancy flag pole but it was nice to see. |
The front of the store, wooden planks or boards for a porch. |
Candy, apples, just amazing to look at. I bought some jelly beans, we got a drink, and I found a wooden black with white dots dominoes game in a wooden box for $10. Did I need that? |
Very nourishing snacks for the mountain folks. |
The necessities, rubbing alcohol, bug spray, deodorant, an oil lantern, mouthwash, toothpaste. I hate Wal-mart and Costco and Target - enough of that, I guess that's another story too. |
All the old bottles, the Raleigh cigarette sign, Levi Garrett - tobacco in a can, Prince Albert. |
Hope you have enjoyed our little trip. /Deb
Friday, October 1, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Gifts to my brother
Thursday, September 30, 2010:
After I got off work, I went by Bullocks (the oldest BBQ restaurant in town, I believe) and picked up some chopped BBQ, sliced BBQ, slaw, and blackberry cobbler to take to my brother's house for supper. Also, I wanted to show him my locker hooked rugs so he could pick the one he liked the best. I also took the two hot pads/coasters I had hooked. We had our supper and Steve liked everything. The 2nd rug, tans/browns, looked perfect in front of his kitchen sink and, if I had tried, I could not have matched his counter tops any better - perfect! Then we went to his bedroom and believe it or not, the colors in his striped bedspread were exactly the colors in the #3 rug of curves!! He preferred to hang this rug on his wall as a piece of art rather than use as a rug. I am so happy that he liked them. Of course he offered to pay me for them - but then it wouldn't be a gift. Now I have to figure out how to sew a strip on the back for the rod that it will hang from; how wide, how close to the edge, etc.
It is so nice when another person really likes your creations and Steve has always liked mine. He showed me a beautiful piece of handmade lace that I had given him a few years ago - exquisite if I have to say so myself. It is a circle, similar in appearance to a round snowflake, very ornate. I made handmade lace for a while, it was extremely tedious and quite a challenge. I still have all my bobbins and materials needed, but I don't think I will be doing that any time soon.
I also tried tatting - no more though; however, I did manage to tat an heirloom doily (8-10 inches in diameter, I think), which I gave to my baby girl, Sharon (baby now age 34!) and she treasures it. I will try to get photos of these two items to show on my blog.
I have started back to work on my wool rug hooking, seems slow and it took a while to get the rhythm again. I want to locker hook but know if I start on one, I will never finish my wool rugs. We'll see how that works out.
Meanwhile I'm also working on the fiction book. I have edited through my first 16 chapters, of course still in draft form. Now I plan to start writing the rest of the story.
The rain has ended for a while, some areas received 6-12 inches! It is much cooler, so I believe fall has finally arrived - my favorite time of the year. In fact, in the next few weeks, I plan a little trip towards the mountains because I need to see a city that is included in my book so my descriptions can be somewhat accurate. Till next time.
After I got off work, I went by Bullocks (the oldest BBQ restaurant in town, I believe) and picked up some chopped BBQ, sliced BBQ, slaw, and blackberry cobbler to take to my brother's house for supper. Also, I wanted to show him my locker hooked rugs so he could pick the one he liked the best. I also took the two hot pads/coasters I had hooked. We had our supper and Steve liked everything. The 2nd rug, tans/browns, looked perfect in front of his kitchen sink and, if I had tried, I could not have matched his counter tops any better - perfect! Then we went to his bedroom and believe it or not, the colors in his striped bedspread were exactly the colors in the #3 rug of curves!! He preferred to hang this rug on his wall as a piece of art rather than use as a rug. I am so happy that he liked them. Of course he offered to pay me for them - but then it wouldn't be a gift. Now I have to figure out how to sew a strip on the back for the rod that it will hang from; how wide, how close to the edge, etc.
It is so nice when another person really likes your creations and Steve has always liked mine. He showed me a beautiful piece of handmade lace that I had given him a few years ago - exquisite if I have to say so myself. It is a circle, similar in appearance to a round snowflake, very ornate. I made handmade lace for a while, it was extremely tedious and quite a challenge. I still have all my bobbins and materials needed, but I don't think I will be doing that any time soon.
I also tried tatting - no more though; however, I did manage to tat an heirloom doily (8-10 inches in diameter, I think), which I gave to my baby girl, Sharon (baby now age 34!) and she treasures it. I will try to get photos of these two items to show on my blog.
I have started back to work on my wool rug hooking, seems slow and it took a while to get the rhythm again. I want to locker hook but know if I start on one, I will never finish my wool rugs. We'll see how that works out.
Meanwhile I'm also working on the fiction book. I have edited through my first 16 chapters, of course still in draft form. Now I plan to start writing the rest of the story.
The rain has ended for a while, some areas received 6-12 inches! It is much cooler, so I believe fall has finally arrived - my favorite time of the year. In fact, in the next few weeks, I plan a little trip towards the mountains because I need to see a city that is included in my book so my descriptions can be somewhat accurate. Till next time.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Pictures 2nd and 3rd LH rugs
Wednesday, September 29, 2010:
I have finished my 2nd locker hooked rug, shades of tan-brown.
The 3rd one has curves! It is quite colorful as well.
Instead of another LH rug, I think I'll work on my wool rug hooking projects and finish the two I started earlier. I have included different views of each. The little froggy is real special to me. One day when Renee' was cleaning out her room after my brother had painted it her favorite color, blue, I was in the living room and she just appeared at the doorway and said "surprise!" I asked her what it was and appeared from behind her back, this little froggie. She knows so much, I did not realize she knew that I liked frogs. He sleeps on my bed all the time. Thought he would add a special touch to one of my favorite rugs. /Deb
I have finished my 2nd locker hooked rug, shades of tan-brown.
The 3rd one has curves! It is quite colorful as well.
Instead of another LH rug, I think I'll work on my wool rug hooking projects and finish the two I started earlier. I have included different views of each. The little froggy is real special to me. One day when Renee' was cleaning out her room after my brother had painted it her favorite color, blue, I was in the living room and she just appeared at the doorway and said "surprise!" I asked her what it was and appeared from behind her back, this little froggie. She knows so much, I did not realize she knew that I liked frogs. He sleeps on my bed all the time. Thought he would add a special touch to one of my favorite rugs. /Deb
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Various interests this weekend
Sunday, September 26, 2010:
I have enjoyed my weekend very much. In about 2006 I started writing a book, or trying to. I have started writing a couple of books, all going nowhere. But this one seems to be possible. So when I was having my coffee Saturday morning, I thought about it and realized a solution to one of my problems. Since I can't work on the book constantly, when I do start back to work, I can't remember what I have written, so I have to start at the beginning and then, by the time I get to where I need to write more, time is up or I'm tired. So, now I am going through the book, editing a little as I go but most importantly I am making an outline of the major and some minor details of each chapter. That way, when I start to work again, if it is much later, I can just read my outline and start from where I ended.
Writing a book is one thing I have always wanted to do but have never accomplished. I'm surely not doing it to become wealthy, not even to be published really (although that would be a wonderful surprise!). I just want to do it and hopefully it will happen.
I worked a lot on my #3 LH Curves rug. I should be able to finish it this week. I've wrapped the edges. It is so colorful. I will post a picture when I finish. Also, I made a visit to the fabric store and bought several yards of various blue fabrics. I thought about buying old bed sheets or other items from yard sales or bargain stores and dying them different colors. I have never dyed fabric, so this would be something I need to learn how to do. It would make my rugs fit in the "green" craze to today! Maybe I could cut all the cloth in strips and dye them different colors. I'll have to give this some more thought though. I sure like hooking all the colors of fabric I buy.
One other thing I have started is handwriting letters. I don't know if you read my earlier post about the "nothing and now" - but I decided it would be a good thing to do. I love the old ways of doing things, pottery, hand quilting, rug hooking, and now even letter writing. So far I have only written to my three children, but it will give them something they can keep, read in the future and even pass down. It takes a little effort to get started but, just do it, I said, and I did. I may even start sending birthday letters.
It is finally raining - a nice slow but heavy rainfall. The bushes and trees are smiling even in the moonlight.
I have enjoyed my weekend very much. In about 2006 I started writing a book, or trying to. I have started writing a couple of books, all going nowhere. But this one seems to be possible. So when I was having my coffee Saturday morning, I thought about it and realized a solution to one of my problems. Since I can't work on the book constantly, when I do start back to work, I can't remember what I have written, so I have to start at the beginning and then, by the time I get to where I need to write more, time is up or I'm tired. So, now I am going through the book, editing a little as I go but most importantly I am making an outline of the major and some minor details of each chapter. That way, when I start to work again, if it is much later, I can just read my outline and start from where I ended.
Writing a book is one thing I have always wanted to do but have never accomplished. I'm surely not doing it to become wealthy, not even to be published really (although that would be a wonderful surprise!). I just want to do it and hopefully it will happen.
I worked a lot on my #3 LH Curves rug. I should be able to finish it this week. I've wrapped the edges. It is so colorful. I will post a picture when I finish. Also, I made a visit to the fabric store and bought several yards of various blue fabrics. I thought about buying old bed sheets or other items from yard sales or bargain stores and dying them different colors. I have never dyed fabric, so this would be something I need to learn how to do. It would make my rugs fit in the "green" craze to today! Maybe I could cut all the cloth in strips and dye them different colors. I'll have to give this some more thought though. I sure like hooking all the colors of fabric I buy.
One other thing I have started is handwriting letters. I don't know if you read my earlier post about the "nothing and now" - but I decided it would be a good thing to do. I love the old ways of doing things, pottery, hand quilting, rug hooking, and now even letter writing. So far I have only written to my three children, but it will give them something they can keep, read in the future and even pass down. It takes a little effort to get started but, just do it, I said, and I did. I may even start sending birthday letters.
It is finally raining - a nice slow but heavy rainfall. The bushes and trees are smiling even in the moonlight.
Friday, September 24, 2010
3rd LH rug - progress
Friday, September 24, 2010
Where did August get to? Time is just flying by. Here is the progress of my 3rd LH rug with the curves. The white strings you see are my locker strings, waiting for the next fabric color to be added. This has been a really fun rug to hook. When hooking curves, I have to be careful not to miss any of the holes, so far, so good.
The weather here is still very hot and very dry. Hopefully this weekend we will be getting some very much needed rain. /Deb
Monday, September 20, 2010
The Nothing and the Now
Monday, September 20, 2010:
First of all I hope no one calls in the "white coats" to come and take me away - ha ha.
After having lunch today with a friend, our conversation got me to thinking. How many people do not live in the "now". We remember yesterday, the past, we plan for the future, tomorrow, next week, next event, plan our day, etc. The "nothing" is taking us away from the "now" - the electronic gadgets growing more popular every day, more people and businesses becoming totally dependent on them. Text messaging, email, google, internet, cell phones, DVRs, and on and on I could go. Without them there would be the "nothing" but the "now". I'm not complaining about the advances in technology - I love my washer and dryer, gas heat, freezer, and my cell phone and internet, and even fast food, etc. Even online banking and bill pay - how long has it been since we actually hand wrote a personal letter and licked a stamp. Hallmark can not say it better.
I believe that is why rug hooking is so special to us rug hookers. It brings us to the "now". We stop and enjoy our moments as they happen. Each loop of fabric is a happening, an accomplishment in the now. At least that what it seems to be for me. When I go camping, sitting on the porch in the early morning, the sunrise, the calm water, just the "now" - I treasure all those moments.
Just wanted to share some of my thoughts./Deb
First of all I hope no one calls in the "white coats" to come and take me away - ha ha.
After having lunch today with a friend, our conversation got me to thinking. How many people do not live in the "now". We remember yesterday, the past, we plan for the future, tomorrow, next week, next event, plan our day, etc. The "nothing" is taking us away from the "now" - the electronic gadgets growing more popular every day, more people and businesses becoming totally dependent on them. Text messaging, email, google, internet, cell phones, DVRs, and on and on I could go. Without them there would be the "nothing" but the "now". I'm not complaining about the advances in technology - I love my washer and dryer, gas heat, freezer, and my cell phone and internet, and even fast food, etc. Even online banking and bill pay - how long has it been since we actually hand wrote a personal letter and licked a stamp. Hallmark can not say it better.
I believe that is why rug hooking is so special to us rug hookers. It brings us to the "now". We stop and enjoy our moments as they happen. Each loop of fabric is a happening, an accomplishment in the now. At least that what it seems to be for me. When I go camping, sitting on the porch in the early morning, the sunrise, the calm water, just the "now" - I treasure all those moments.
Just wanted to share some of my thoughts./Deb
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Nice day
Sunday, September 19, 2010:
Today has been a very nice day. First of all, I got a good night's sleep last night which always help. While having my morning coffee, and a little snack for breakfast, I contemplated the yard work that needed doing. Needless to say, my locker hooking won hands down over that chore, even though it was cool enough outside to work in the yard. I had to work on the curves some more.
At the store, I couldn't resist a few more pieces of fabric at 1.58/yard, and Barbara got some fabric with purple and other colors in it. We also found out that this store, the ONLY fabric store , in town would be relocating in January more than likely about 20 miles from my house.
My friend Barbara was supposed to come over this morning so by 9:00 when I had not heard from her, I was going to give her a call. I had a missed call and evidently I had not heard my cell phone ring because I didn't have my hearing aids in and also because I was listening to my audiobook. I returned her call and she was on her way to my house. It was a cool, beautiful morning, so we sat outside in the front yard for a while. We talked about rug hooking and went inside so I could show her what I had been working on. One of my neighbors was having a yard sale and two of my coworkers had come to it and when they saw us outside, came over for a quick hello. Barbara and I planned to go to the fabric store, so while I took a shower and got dressed, Barbara started on a mat she was going to make for her table. She sewed the cotton cord to the edging in preparation. She wanted to find some purple and red fabric at the store.
We drove to Chapel Hill and had some lunch, Barbara had a fruit plate and I had a Greek Gyro. We then went to check out a fabric store there. They didn't have a "sale" table, so I bought 1/2 yard of a few colors. Barbara had to get home to fix supper. It was really nice having someone to spend the day with and share in our hobby.
I was interested in finding out exactly how much 1/2 yard of fabric would cover of the canvas. This blue hot pad is four of the blue-lined squares on a 3.75 canvas. So, that would be an inexpensive gift idea. It took about two hours to make, maybe less when I get used to making them.
Here's the update on my LH #3 rug, Curves. /Deb
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Curves? YES!!!
Saturday, September 18, 2010:
Thanks to Kathy - I now can do curves!
I cut my 36x60 canvas in half. Last night had done one "L" shape of hooking before I went to bed. When I got up this morning and read Kathy's comment, I said, okay I can do curves. So, the curves began. It's silly to feel such excitement when hooking the colorful fabric through the canvas and locking it down. I tore a couple of strips from on of my palette colors, hooked, then picked another fabric, tore 2-3 strips, then designed that into the rug. I have no idea how it will look when it's done because I am just going with the flow. I might call this rug "Flowing with the curves" or something like that. /Deb
Thanks to Kathy - I now can do curves!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Shopping, anticipation, and photos
Friday, September 17, 2010: YEAH - it's Friday. I know I keep promising pictures and I really will post some when I get home tonight because I want to show everybody the fabric I bought today. My first big LH (locker hook) rug was a real bear of a learning project, my second LH rug is almost done. I just couldn't help myself - today I went to the fabric store and had the best time. I picked out really off the wall colorful fabric that will be quite interesting when hooked, I am sure of that. I bought 2 yards of each fabric, except one was on sale for 1.58, so I got the rest of the bolt which was only 5 yards - but at that price - wow. The others were 2.95. If I ever see a sale for 1.00/yard - I may need to call a transfer truck to help me get it home!! Anyway, I will add pictures to this post tonight of my fabric and of my progression with LH rug #2. /Deb
Okay - here's the pictures (I'm home from work now!!)
After I sewed the cotton cord around my edge (on the wrong side, the back side) I couldn't find my cotton yarn, so I decided to use a matching wool yarn for wrap the edge of the rug.
As I hooked around the edges, I was not happy with the way that wool yarn looked, so I wrapped it with the actual cotton fabric I was using. It was like wrapping ace bandage, trying to keep it smooth and untwisted, but I liked it better.
Just for fun - this is the pile of loose strings from when I tear the cotton fabric (this much came from about a yard or so.) It seems there should be a use for this stuff - any ideas?
As you can see, I have maybe 10 rows left - but I went ahead and put the picture on here, because I would be too tired later tonight after I hopefully have finished it.
NOW - for the whimsical colorful fabric I bought today for my 3rd LH rug!!
I have no idea yet how I'm going to design these fabrics. I need to figure out if I'm going to start in the center and work in rectangles, or start around the outer edge and work inward, or work in rows - just don't know yet. But, first I have to relax and finish LH rug #2.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Almost there
Thursday, September 16, 2010:
It's been a rather busy week for me. I have actually taken pictures but haven't taken the time to download them from my camera. I am anxious to finish my second locker hook rug. My brother comes back from his vacation to Maine and New Brunswick and I want to give it to him. I usually give him the first piece of artwork I do in all the mediums I have tried, especially if they turn out nice. I had to keep my first locker-rug though because I made it just for my bedroom. He truly appreciates my handiwork.
Hopefully I will have my second rug finished and will post pictures by Saturday morning. For my third one, I'm thinking about buying 1 yard of ten different fabrics and making sort of a country mix-match type rug. We'll see. I NEED to finish my abstract wool hooking, but the locker hook keeps pulling me to it so - I just go with the flow.
All is well with Renee'. She is slowly managing to work on her new small latch hook rug- the head of a horse in front of a white fence. I want to take a canvas, use watercolor or acrylic to paint squares or a design on it and buy the precut yarn for her to make her next one. We'll see.
Better hit the sack. Tomorrow is Friday - yeah!
It's been a rather busy week for me. I have actually taken pictures but haven't taken the time to download them from my camera. I am anxious to finish my second locker hook rug. My brother comes back from his vacation to Maine and New Brunswick and I want to give it to him. I usually give him the first piece of artwork I do in all the mediums I have tried, especially if they turn out nice. I had to keep my first locker-rug though because I made it just for my bedroom. He truly appreciates my handiwork.
Hopefully I will have my second rug finished and will post pictures by Saturday morning. For my third one, I'm thinking about buying 1 yard of ten different fabrics and making sort of a country mix-match type rug. We'll see. I NEED to finish my abstract wool hooking, but the locker hook keeps pulling me to it so - I just go with the flow.
All is well with Renee'. She is slowly managing to work on her new small latch hook rug- the head of a horse in front of a white fence. I want to take a canvas, use watercolor or acrylic to paint squares or a design on it and buy the precut yarn for her to make her next one. We'll see.
Better hit the sack. Tomorrow is Friday - yeah!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Starting another Rug
Saturday, 9/11/10:
Yesterday I went to the fabric store and bought almost 20 yards of fabric, shades of tan and brownish cotton. They only had around 19 yards on two bolts. Last night I rested, but thought about what I wanted to make. I need to continue working on my abstract wool piece, but the locker hooking keeps calling my attention! So, when I got up this morning, had my coffee, I looked at my canvas sizes and decided instead of making a large 36x60 like my previous one, I would do half that size. It took about an hour to sew the cotton cord around the entire folded canvas. Now I'm trying to decide whether to use cotton yarn (like I did before) or the fabric itself to do the edging.
But duties call first. I must go to the grocery store, and do a couple of other errands. Today it is only in the 70's, very nice, but it may rain a little. Tomorrow is supposed to be rainy. So, first things first, then I can enjoy hooking the day away!
Just want to say thanks for your comments. It's nice to stay in touch.
Yesterday I went to the fabric store and bought almost 20 yards of fabric, shades of tan and brownish cotton. They only had around 19 yards on two bolts. Last night I rested, but thought about what I wanted to make. I need to continue working on my abstract wool piece, but the locker hooking keeps calling my attention! So, when I got up this morning, had my coffee, I looked at my canvas sizes and decided instead of making a large 36x60 like my previous one, I would do half that size. It took about an hour to sew the cotton cord around the entire folded canvas. Now I'm trying to decide whether to use cotton yarn (like I did before) or the fabric itself to do the edging.
But duties call first. I must go to the grocery store, and do a couple of other errands. Today it is only in the 70's, very nice, but it may rain a little. Tomorrow is supposed to be rainy. So, first things first, then I can enjoy hooking the day away!
Just want to say thanks for your comments. It's nice to stay in touch.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Piano and Christmas 2007
As requested - so far these are the only pictures I can find of me playing the piano. It is from 2007 at Christmas. We are at my parents' home. At Christmas, Renee' always sings her favorite song "Silent Night". Wonderful memories. (That's my parents sitting on the couch). /Deb
I have recorded 3 long playing albums (yes, I'm that old), and have had two piano concerts. I made this CD 3-4 years ago and everyone tells me how much they enjoy it. It contains my piano arrangements.
1-9: Medleys of How He Is
10. Meditation
11. Majesty
12. In the Image of God
13. This Love Is Mine
14. He
15. Without Him
16. He Touched Me
17. The Lord's Prayer
18. My Tribute
19. The King is Coming
If you would like to order a CD, please send me an email at deborahreardon@msn.com.
The price is $15, plus $4 shipping to USA, $12.00 shipping to Canada.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Finished rugs
Wednesday, September 8, 2010:
During our camping trip this past weekend, both Renee' and I finished our hooking projects. It was such a warm feeling to be sitting with Renee', both of us just quietly working on our rugs. You know, Renee' has always worked for a scheduled amount of time each day, but on this occasion it was different. I guess since I finished mine she felt compelled to finish hers. I went to bed and left her still hooking away. The next morning when I was making my coffee, Renee' sat up on her bunk and said "I finished" and pointed to the table. I was so surprised and happy for her. I asked her "Renee' my goodness, what time did you did it done? It's beautiful!" She said "12:40" - and lay back down and went back to sleep. Later we took photos.
During our camping trip this past weekend, both Renee' and I finished our hooking projects. It was such a warm feeling to be sitting with Renee', both of us just quietly working on our rugs. You know, Renee' has always worked for a scheduled amount of time each day, but on this occasion it was different. I guess since I finished mine she felt compelled to finish hers. I went to bed and left her still hooking away. The next morning when I was making my coffee, Renee' sat up on her bunk and said "I finished" and pointed to the table. I was so surprised and happy for her. I asked her "Renee' my goodness, what time did you did it done? It's beautiful!" She said "12:40" - and lay back down and went back to sleep. Later we took photos.
I put my rug on the floor in the cabin and it was perfect for the decor, a real homey feeling. Sadie, must have thought it was her magic carpet because she immediately sniffed a couple of times and made herself really comfortable on the cushy new rug.
Renee' looking at her new latch hook project.
My rug on the floor next to my bed at home!
Now it's back to work on my wool rug hooking, contemporary design - Sunshine had to get in the picture too. I really enjoyed the locker hooking, but I do like to make designs with my wool hooking.
P.S. I've also added more slideshows to my artwork posting below. Hope you will take a look.
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