I have started my ebay site - and hopefully soon I will be creating my website. If you go to eBay and search for "Deb Reardon" you will find my site. I plan to keep adding different pieces of my art including my eggs and more gourds and paintings. I will probably wait and put my rugs on my website, along with my art as well. Thanks for looking. /Deb
Beautiful! I almost looks like a felted piece of art. Good luck with your ebay site.
Hi Deb, Congratulation on yet another step forward. I checked eBay and searched your name and came up with 0. Good luck with selling your stuff.
Hope you are well and Renee too. JB
Deb: I was so excited when I visited your blog and found that you are back on again, and displaying more of your wonderful talents. I also went to e-bay and saw all the additional things you had placed and the new creations (goards, pictures, etc.) you are displaying. I would like to see the snow pictures you took last week on your blog, and also some Christmas pictures of Renee, you, Donnie, mom and dad, daughters, grandchildren, and the rest of the family (your dogs)which I am sure you will be taking on Christmas. Will be anxiously waiting for another surprise.
Yes, good luck! I agree with Kim, the art work looks "felted"...lovely.
Wow! I was surprised to see all your comments. Thanks a lot, I really appreciate the good wishes and compliments. Ebay has changed since the last time I used it, but we'll see. I forgot about the snow pics - I'll try to post them soon. This weekend is going to be a busy ebay posting time. Everyone take care. later/deb
Deb, I'm still trying to see your stuff on eBay but my results still show 0 . I've tried many times on different title search and still I can't find your stuff. Could you please give me some pointers. I'm not very successful on this quest. JB
Julia - The first link is to my site. The second link is to Don's site.
Hope this helps. You know life changes all the time - well now we are going to move our art work to Etsy.com Ebay fees are too high 12% plus. Etsy is less, only 3.5% Anyway, sorry you are having trouble but appreciate your trying. Have a good weekend. /Deb
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